Preparing for a date

It might be magic moment for you to a date with someone special, and now you've got the chance to make an impression. Preparing for a date can be nerve-wracking, but can be approached in a step-by-step manner that'll assure you make it to your date fully prepared. The rest depends on one individual and that's YOU.

Do some homework.
In the days before a date, take time out to catch up with current events and hot topics. These are great conversation starters and you will be able to impress your date with your knowledge. Try to remember as much as you can about previous conversations together so you can follow up on them. Have a couple of funny stories or conversation pieces up your sleeve in case you need them.

Start looking and feeling good in advance.
Set time aside for exercise in the days before the date, whether it's yoga or push ups. Eat well and get plenty of sleep.

Pick your clothes early.
You should have several outfits laid out before the day of the date. This way you won't have any last minute panics when you realize you have a spaghetti stain down your favourite shirt. Plus, it will allow you to try on a few different looks on the day of the date and see which one fits your mood most comfortably at the time.

Clean up on the day of the date.
Take a nice, long shower or bath. Ensure you have clean hair and nails. You should smell good, but not overpowering. Avoid heavy perfumes and aftershaves, especially if your date could be allergic. Ladies, go easy when applying make-up and aim for a natural but groomed look. If things go well he will eventually see you without make-up - and you will want him to recognize you at that point. Shortly before leaving for your date, floss and brush your teeth thoroughly.

Think positively.
You're going out to enjoy yourself, after all. Don't start worrying about what disasters could happen, because that way they are far more likely to. If you are getting nervous, call a good friend, watch your favourite comedy show or listen to upbeat music. Loosen up. Focus on having fun and you inevitably will.

Be punctual.
Give yourself plenty of time to get to your rendezvous. Keeping your date waiting will start things off on the wrong foot.


1. Be sure to always have a cell phone and cash for a cab so that you never feel you have to rely on your date for a ride home.
2. Always be careful about alcoholic intake.
3. Don't Do Drugs

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Prepare for a Date. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.


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