
Showing posts with the label Parent Pressure

Teen Love | Love Problems

Me And my boyfriend love each other alot but we are from different castes i know very well that my parents doesnot let me to marry him But my parents also loves me alot and dreams big for me But also i dont want to loose my true love I am very confused what should i choose?

Parent Pressure

I loved a guy...who is 3 years elder than me...he too loved me..and now there is an issue in his home..because.. of his sister's love..he was emotionally caught by his parents..and he told me that...he wants to live for his parents...and his parents can't bear..that he is also in he said me to end the relationship... but I can't live without him...what could I do to make him mine...with his parents support...I'm 19..he is 22...years...what shall I do..I seek your advice... Nick Replies: First check how will your parents react. If they are supportive then ask them to help you in convincing the guy's parents. God Bless