I am substituted, I want her back

hi I am from India
Typical Hindu family.

since January 2017 I was kind of avoiding my gf just to focus on my studies to get a job so that we can marry soon
but die to this she always had fights WID me.
we didnt talk for few days. but I convinced her
after few days again fights
but during this period we also had good times and romance also
in June stsrting she msged that she will see another guy,I just ignored her msg

few days after on my bday she just msged me.
on June 14 or 15 all her fone got off except one. I tried to call bit no answer
now whole of July 2017 I tried to covince her by my msg romantic once
our past romance.,times we spent etc
I begged her
waited her in front of her classes so that I could covince her
once she to felt pity on me or what she said to have a lassi drink then go home coz I was swetting badly in the son when she saw me

but on July 29 I sneeked into her hostel nd was shivring coz it would had a havock if I was caught
I touched her feet to forgive me
but she said warden will come go
she got to her so called friend for help

I tooked her phone and came back home
( she had one of her phones with her) she called me and cried to give her phone back
I came back I saw she was dating another guy
that guy told me he had kissed her hugged her
( I dont know that time if he was right or wrong coz I was pretending to be my gf as I was talking to that guy)
I was soo drepreseed that tym
that guy called me and said that he want to meet me coz she called her nd told I have taken her phone
I told every thing that how much I loved her
she had also lied lied to her on my gifts that she had purchased them.
I was so angry I called her both brothers
the next day they took her home
I showed all her messages to them that she kissed and all that
I told her Bro about me also of knowing her for 4 years
I said I want to marry her plz wait few months I will get a job
he was ok with it
and said thanks to me, would talk for me as her husband.
I told that the other guy was threat to her as he wanted to insult her in public ( its true)

now they took all her fone laptop
nd said to burn all her books

brothers not want to see sister
father not talking etc tension in her home

her brothers say that she doesnt want to marry
I on augest 18 tried to convince her on phone ( her home is veruu far in another city cannot go there)

she kinda abused me nd said will not marry me at any cost
in that emotion I called up her brother nd said to do what they want to do
I will not interfere
marry her with suitable guy but better than me
if not I am there
I will call u when I get a job.
her brother said ok

I want her back at any cost
Plz help
I am ready to do any thing
plz suggest ways
I am tensed that her father wont fix her marrige before I get a job
this tension doesnt let me sleep
I am mad without her
I want her please help

Nick replies:

Grow up. There is a saying that "If you love someone let them free, if they come back they are yours if they doesn't they were never yours". Hope you understand what I say. Be Strong and Be Successful in life. Take this as a challenge.

God Bless


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