Should I move on? | Love Problems & Solutions

I have two problems mashed together in a way, I like this girl, extremely sweet, pretty, loving and just the  perfect girl but about 4 or 5 months ago before meeting said girl I liked a friend of mine, the thing is that I proposed to this friend of mine and she said no (i'm too childish) but she likes me, so I don't know if I should give it a shot the girl I just met because if I do then my friend might get jealous or she might get sad, so this said I don't know what to do.

Nick Replies:

Well, if you loved your friend then how come within a span of 4-5 months you started loving somebody else. I understand its all about emotions but I would recommend you to be clear about what you want in life. If you fall in love over and over agin then probably you are not loving a person enough. Talk about this with your friend and don't hurt her but don;t worry about what she would think as well, becuase there are things that you cannot control and you should leave it the supreme power to manage. My request is, if you find a friend in your soul-mate then thats the best combination.

Good Luck & God Bless

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