Pay for ignorance

hi sir
i have been in a relationship of 2.5 yrs with my gf but our relationship is long distance relationship. i m preparing for govt. job and for last 6 months we talk aur chat simply. but my guardian create pressure on me to get the job soon. that's why i prepare more seriously for 3 months and totally ignore her. and she also we never talk and chat for 3 month. but when i realise these things i met him and said sorry and crying in front of him but she denies me after some days she said to me we are to be a good friend nothing else and thats the final decision of her. but i really love her but she doesn't listen any more. so sir pls help me what can i do. i really love her and i mad about her.

Nick Speaks


You have been her for whatever reason. You ignorance probably have made her feel that she deserves something better and a person who can treat her well and give her that special attention.

As an advice I would say talk to her and convince that you will not repeat it whatever the case is. Tell her to consider your love and convince her that you will take care of her.

For women more than anything else, love & affection matters the most. So try to give it.


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