Love Lost

Hi I am 22 year old girl. I am B-Tech student. I have been in a relationship from 2 years. I love him a lot. But the problem is my parents doesn't like this relationship. I want my parents in my life as well as my boyfriend. He is a typical man. I am unable to convince him, I give preference to my parents first in my life. I want him to get out of my life because he doesn't respect my parents. But he is not gonna go from me.
Please suggest me a solution so that he could leave me forever, because I donot love him any more.


Just speak to him, that even if both of continue the relationship it will be just for name-sake as there is no love from your side. The whole point in a relationship is to have reciprocating feeling and trsut, if either of them is lost then relationship gets weak and eventually dies.

You will have to make him understand that, continuing this relationship will only hurt both of you and will spread to your family members as well. Talk & get it resolved, I am confident that you will be able to reslove it.

Hope it helps.

God Bless !

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