Over Possesiveness | Love Problems

Lately I've been feeling a little insecure in my relationship. Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 10 months. He is a very down to earth and respectful person. He shows me so much affection and I know we really do love eachother. Last summer for his birthday his brother took him to Vegas for 4 nights. One night he never called me which was strange because he's never done that before. The story he gave me seemed untrue. He said he drank too much and fell asleep and his phone was in the other room charging where his friend had been with a girl. I let it go. I recently found out he is going back to Vegas for his brothers bachelor party but he never told me when he booked it he had only mentioned he "might be going". Naturally, I was hurt that he didnt tell me everything and all the details because that isnt the way we are. We tell eachother everything. When i asked him why he did not tell me he said because he knew I wasn't happy about him going and he thought I didnt want to hear anything about it. A day later I found out he had met a group of girls when he was down there and his friend has become close with them so after there trip in Vegas they ended up meeting them out one night. He never told me any of this until now and I feel hurt and its making me feel like I cannot trust him. I honestly don't think he cheated on me or did anything like that but the fact he felt like he couldnt tell me these things hurt me. I feel like he isnt taking this relationship seriously if he's going to hide things that that from me. We spoke about it and he apologized for making me feel this way and hurting me in any way but I am still upset because I know if it were the other way around he would be so mad at me. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't think of me in situations and hes selfish. What should I do?


First of all, take a chill pill. See the way you are seeing this relation is quite wrong. Both of you should have comfortable space & freedom to act. Being committed doesn't mean that everything should be done based on mutual interest.

He might have genuinely thought that you would be hurt and that's why he didn't say. Don't over stress on small things it would ultimately ruin the relationship. Whenever you guys meet try to have a fantastic time instead of talking things that would just spoil your & the guys mood. You also hangout with your friends when he is not there, have a ball & enjoy life.

TRY TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY - Trust me you will be the happiest person & your love will remain forever.

Above all you said that he is not cheating then what's the big deal. Give him space & you also consume your private space. Relationship is about feeling good not about finding mistakes.

God Bless !!


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