Time Management Problem

Hi there!

First of all thanks for helping everybody out there...
Well, my problem is; I'm with my boyfriend for more than four years.And I must say, the relation was not so tough before a year ago. I used to teach in a boarding school and I used to have summer and winter vacations with festive vacations in a year; so time management was not a big problem.

Now, since I've joined a new job here at outsourcing company, I can't manage time for him.sometimes I feel really bad when he has to wait for a whole day and I feel like I'm not with him when he needs me.I don't get holidays here at my office and sometimes I've to work at holidays too.I can't leave the job bcoz you know, getting better job at the time of recession is very hard.
He was okay few months ago but now the situation has changed, he says he has no problem with my mismanaged schedule.he wants me to give him some more time except holidays.He wants me to meet him at my lunch break but I can't meet him during office hrs.I've also run secretly from my office sometimes to see him. and I'm really worried that my co-workers might take it wrong way. "Date at office hrs you see"
I can't even convince him.

I would have married him so that I could manage time for but he has just finished his graduation and he is unemployed.Is there any way I can convince him?Please tell me how can I mange time for him?



This is a very genuine problem & I like the way you have expressed it.

Well to answer you, I think problem here is nothing but adjustment issues. This is a temporary, as you have mentioned you BF is still to find a job, once he gets into it he will also be in a similar condition like yours.

The real issue is that you are busy at work so apart from your BF you have other things to think, but your BF will be concentrating only on thoughts about you. So he cannot be blamed either. Just tell him that you understand that he loves you & thinks about you only but for you, you definitely think about him but in office hours there are certain task that needs to be completed. Dedicate some time for him whenever possible at the earliest and have a nice talk. Try to go to a movie or some other place where you will be in a position for a heart to heart talk, IT HELPS.

Tell him that you love him very much & once he also get a job both of you can settle down and then life is for both of you.

Let me tell you that this is not a big problem and could be solved just by honest, heart-to-heart talk.

Best of luck


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