Confusion with two boy friends


My friend confront me about his feelings he said he loves me so much actually he is my crush...
and i think i'm falling in love with him too. the problem is both of us are committed, he is nice and sweet to me,
you cant blame me why i'm falling in love with him while im commited cause my bf ( we are 5 years commited, always have mis understandin and etc to make our relation more worst, take note m parents like him so much) dont have time to me because of some reason and he always mad at
me with wrong reason, at first the confession of my friend is nothing to me but everytime i see things that different to my bf
i can't stop my feelings.
please help me.. what should i do..??

how can i dtermined whose the better between them,,


I think you should talk to your first BF, understand things. If he behaving the same and not ready to change then you should think other way. You are committed for last 5years so there is an importaqnce to this relation so try to talk & sort, if it doesn't work and you feel the other guy is better then you should go ahead



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