Phone Love


my story is so different, first time i meet her like this:
i dialled a wrong number.

At first she scoulded me, but after 3 days she became very close to me, from that time am in love with her,
every day we will chat on mobile it'self, after some days, she got medical seat at CMC
she went there, and called me one day. after that every day she calling me or i will call to her friend's mobile to talk with her
yesturday i proposed my "Love", she exactly said like this:
" hey you are my gud friend na? why u said like this? i never expected des from..
my mood is not good, i can't getting how to react for this?"

am very sad..

i dont know what she really said..
plz help me..
1 more thing, till now i didn't seen her. (Love without seeing her).


Call her & apologize. Tell her that you are sorry and probably rushed into conclusions. Just inform her that you expressed your feelings. Also say that you will accept whatever she says and wrequest her to continue your friendship



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