He has changed

hello, i am 20years old and in a relation with a person who is 6 months older to me for three years , in the beginning of the relation every thing worked well but from when he joined college he started changing , we talk each day but hardly for 10mins , he is in his 3rd year , he is also involved in politics , he promised to marry me & we had physical relation too, but now he is finding trouble in the relations, if i call him he feels irritated , he says he is very busy &doesn't have time to meet me regularly , we meet for once in a month, on small issues he speaks of break up, but i love him truely, what should i do? please help me out.

Hi dear,

Understand one thing, in love the most important things are trust & respect. If your lover doesn't respect you then you should maintain your self respect & act accordingly. Your lover might be busy & might be in some tension.

Try to speak with him in person and sort the issue. Speak out your mind he will definitely understand.



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